In MikuMikuDance, what's a Lat model? I keep hearing that term come up...?

Like Lat Miku Hatsune version. I mean, what's the difference? Especially since I want a selfy made, I'm trying to learn all the terms.
Also, if you can, what' a 100% Windows model?
Thanks and sorry for sounding like noob


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(This may be a pain to read) -_-ll

a Lat model is a model created in the style of a creator who calls their models Lat. EX: Lat Miku, Lat Rin, etc.....
The Lat models look like this:
(Not my picture)
Can you tell the difference now? :3
There are official Lat models and fan made ones, so some are not made by the original Lat creator.
Now to go to Windows 100%
Windows 100% models are models that come with a magazine called Windows 100%, that explains why they are called Windows 100%.
Even though MMD is supposed to be a free program, you have to buy the magazine.
You may think that it is not that good to buy something on a computer but some people buy them. Why? Because they are very well made :3
They look like this:
(Not my picture)
Hope that helped!