Is there a way to convert Excel formulas to "typeset" style?

I'm thinking something like the Matlab "pretty" function. It would be nice to be able to take something that looks like =(-B1+sqrt(B1^2-4*A1*C1))/(2*A1) and output something like

-b + √(b² - 4∙a∙c)

Anybody know of anything like that?


Nahum, that's a good suggestion. Combining that with labeling the cells would work pretty well. Only thing is, labels break the relative nature of formulas. I might be able to get over that. Still, I'd prefer something native to Excel. Would it be possible to write a macro that would take the Excel format, move up a certain number of lines to get the "labels" for the cells, rewrite the formula using those, dump THAT into Wolfram Alpha, and copy the result? Actually, up to the point where you copy text to the clipboard, that's pretty trivial...


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There's Wolfram Alpha, a website that also does certain analyses on queries you give:

It might not catch all of the Excel-style functions, but you should be able to get most things done.

Within Excel, you would have to use parsing macros, or perhaps the Equation Editor that may have been installed alongside your Office software.

[add] Offhand, I don't know of any such macros, but it's definitely something that macros can do.

Some more on Equation Editor:

Altogether, this would work fine for equations that you're sending to another program. Excel still needs the formulas in its own style for calculation.


I don't believe this is possible. Even if you do enable macro its not going to work if you pull it up on another computer.