Is Chris Bosh really a "superstar"?

Everyone says 3 superstars in Miami, but is Chris Bosh really a superstar?

He has led the Raptors, but they didn't even make the playoffs last year. He averaged 24 and 10 last year. But Zach Randolph is averaging 20 and 13 this year and he's not considered a superstar, maybe Zach isn't even a star player.

Bosh is not even considered a top 5 power forward by most... with Garnett, Dirk, Pau, Amare, Duncan, Boozer, Blake Griffin, and Kevin Love possibly ahead of Bosh.

Also Bosh's current role with Miami, barely warrants star status.

Is it really the Big 2 in Miami? LeBron and Wade

Eddie H2011-03-01T17:08:35Z

Favorite Answer

Bosh has pretty skills, he is just out shined
by the other 2 super stars.

picture this, you own a BWM M5, very nice ride
some where about $80,000 you cruising around
your neighborhood and everyone envy you. then
you got invited to the car show... but at the show
there are Limbo's and Buggatti (something like that)
and your car is not going to stand out any longer.


HELL NO, he is very overrated in my opinion. The only reason he found success in Toronto is because they were a weak team with all their players missing and he rebounded. And took it for the easy dunk or two. I think he is one of, if not the most overrated player in the NBA. Stats don't tell the whole story, and while he may be on a slump. He could never lead a team by himself, Bargnani is now scoring for the team showing how their low post game was just a filler position to score as often as possible. He is a good player, but he always gets to the line. The Bulls game flop just shows how he has the refs, and how he manipulates the game just to make a FT and get at least 8 FT a game. Rose rams through three guys and he doesn't get anything, but Bosh trips and he is at the line. C'mon superstar doesn't mean special treatment


No Haslem here is fine I think the Heat should get rid of Bosh and provide Wade/LeBron a good supporting cast. But for now, in Haslem's absence, he's playing great.

Laker fan til the death of me2011-03-01T16:52:58Z

I was literally thinking about this not 5 minutes ago and the answer is Hell No! I may give him all-star status but not superstar....there's a difference


Nope, Bosh sucks stats say it all, Wade and Lebron are good players but can't get their team together thats why they are losing to everyone

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