Giant chamber on the moon discovered, perfect for a future base?
What are your thoughts on this-
What are your thoughts on this-
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Well, ..., that's certainly an interesting feature. I could be the perfect location for such an operation. It's definitely a lot easier to maintain an environment under ground that it is above ground. Plus, there protection from those pesky little micro-meteors travelling at 20km/s.
Roger S
I suppose the pragmatic question would be why go there in the first place? The moon is made neither of cheese nor gold. Assuming this would be used as a space port for an eventual colonization of Mars, the question still remains. Why? Mars is about as barren as the moon. Going someplace only to be the first to get there is just a silly game of "king of the hill". I think we are much better off fixing our own planet. Looking somewhere else to live under the assumption the earth will someday be less hospitable than the moon is a rather crass mindset in my opinion.
My thoughts are: build a human base on my planet, and I will blow it and your NASA head quarters faster then you can say moon. :D
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