if you are so concerned about people, liberal or conservative, starting wars for oil?
then why don't people take responsibility to reduce oil dependence?
Stop using plastic containers and baggies that are all made out of petroleum. Stop buying cheap plastic toys and walk or ride your bike. Turn your heat down. There are a million things that can be done and none of them have anything to do with liberal or conservative anything.
Why are we still talking about our non functioning government and not taking responsibility for ourselves?
actually very few of the things I own are made of petroleum, I make sure of that on purpose. You just accuse me of this because it makes you feel better. However that doesn't answer my question. Typical. people want to ***** but they don't want to solve things
Ok Ron Ray- who will you choose to force sterilization on?
And it would only take a while because nobody will do it. However you guys have answered my question very well :-) so thank you
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Good points but until something greener is put in front of people they will use what is available, like bio-degradable bags these are out there now. But cheap and renewable fuel is in no way cheap enough only the privileged can afford it, unless you are an inventive and able to use something homemade and be more resourceful that way. If people put their mind to it there are plenty of things to recycle or re-use and with the economic and soon apparent fuel crisis it will be forced on all of us anyway, but the elite will be alright Jack, because they looted most of the resources already.
we do what we can if the government and those in charge dont do enough, we cant do enough we dont have the power, we have some, not all, they have the rest, and they are the ones in charge
and those million things, wont save the earth or environment, which is why it is irrelevant, they make a tiny dent, we need to change, everything, we do and are that, is again soemthing the government needs to take control over and deal with
"people want to ***** but they don't want to solve things"
i dont think thats true but theres a difference between wanting to and being able to
Iraq was about vengence (proper legal terminology for justice) all the paperwork is in either latin or french but all it says is da dar da dar da dar da da dar dar da dar dar dar da da dar... (rough translation) so here's the history:
1993 Saddam, bored of his t1t for tat political assasination war with Syria decides to target ex Pres Bush Snr for kicking him out of Kuwait, ten years later country taken for oil and Saddam executed by lawyers outraged by the prospect of people suffering.