Tips on eating healthier?

I'm not trying to loose weight, I just want to eat better. I am a sophomore in high school and I am a runner. I usually eat a healthy dinner, but I need help on what I should eat for breakfast, especially on Saturdays when we run in the morning, and what I can pack for lunch at school. Any healthy and easy snack ideas? Thanks so much!


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Good for you for wanting to eat healthier, its rare for teens to want to eat healthy without the motive of simply loosing weight. I started eating healthier last year when i was a soph too! :D

Healthy Breakfasts:

Peanut butter or almond butter and jam sandwich on 100% whole wheat or whole grain bread with milk or soymilk.

oatmeal (regular rolled oats or steal cut) with peanut butter or almond butter and fresh berries or apple or dried fruit with cinimim and a bit of sugar/butter/soy butter if so desired

eggs or tofu scramble scrambled with spinach, tomatoes, soy cheese, celery, squash or zucini-- whatever veggies you have on hand all wrapped in a tortilla or with toast

granola or healthy low sugar cereal with milk and berries or dried fruit

yogurt or soy yogurt with granola and berries or dried fruit, or an orange with some granola or a slice of toast

french toast with jam and milk on the side

Packable lunches:

sandwich with:
tofu and veggies
cheese and avocado
chickpeas mashed mixed with mayo with veggies
hummus and veggies with a lil balsamic vinegar
peanut butter or nut butter and jam
setan or other mock meat
tempeh with mustard and veggies
tofu or tempeh with pesto, and pasta sauce
veggieburger with cheese and vegetables

stick in a thermos:
left overs from dinner
beans and rice
split peas
veggie casseroles

yummy/healthy/easy snacks
crackers with cheese, peanut butter, or jam, or hummus
nuts of all kinds... almonds, pistachios, walnuts. cashews, etc
fruit and veggies like apples, bananas, pears, berries, dried fruit/canned fruit, carrots, celery, cucumber, bell peppers etc
dip the veggies in hummus or guacamole or a dip you like
toast with jam and nut butter or butter and soy butter
yogurt or cottage cheese with jam, fruit or granola
canned sweet potatoes or pumpkin with nutmeg ginger all spice and a little molasses
dark chocolate

good luck eating healthy, feel free to email me if you have any further questions, i hope you have success with healthy eating!


Any time you eat bread, pasta and rice, make sure it is 100% WHOLEGRAIN, not the borwn bread inthe store which says "wheat flour" in the ingredients- that's just white flour same as white bread- check and compare!!

You have to eat 100% wholegrain flour bread and pasta.
If you did nothing else to your diet but change that part- you'd make a huge difference.

Always eat the wholegrain stuff. The stripped-nutrient stuff is crappy=- you may as well inject heroin into your bloodstream. It's not got any vitamins or fibre and makes you sluggish, bloaty and swollen.

Also, make sure you eat coloured vegetables:
sweet potato,
yelloe peppers
green peas
purple eggplant-
a whole range of the colours.

Of course, green veg is the best, but the carrots, yams, pumpkins and yellow peppers have beta carotene, lycene, and other amazign properties in them. VItamin E, A, and D aswell as the obvious C.

Legumes- the cheapest food in the world is also the healthiest food int he world.

Canned chickpeas, fava beans, pinto beans, black beans, black eye peas- drian them add diced onion, sweetcorn and frozen gree peas, a diced apple and raisins in a tupperware, with vinaegrette, to make a famtastic salad. I adore fava beans- they are the best, with garlic, soysauce and some lemon, they'r so rich and meaty. I put them in soups and salads.

Wholewheat pita wit mashed fava beans, cheese and tomatoes.

Pita with hummous and banana

Cram cheese and roasted yellow peppers- roast peppers, zucchini, fava benas ( just drain them and lay on the raosting tray), tomatoes, mushrooms and eggplant, with drizzled olive oil, salt pepper and lemin, in an oven for an hour- then you can store in the fridge all week, using them for sanwiches and stuff pita breads.

Alex Death2011-03-06T13:41:05Z

Make a sandwich for school, not with mayonnaise or any other "side condiments" (not including peanutbutter and jelly) I'd suggest, and use 100% whole wheat bread.
Healthy quick snacks could be cut up apples, baby carrots, quick bag of (none m&m) trail mix, healthy granola or nuts bar.
A good breakfast could be steal cut (or instant, the only difference is instant is cut smaller and flattened to absorb water quickly) (and whole grain) oatmeal with berries mixed in it, made with water, milk, soy milk, what ever you prefer.


Any kashi or nature valley products are very healthy. Also, yoplait yogurt as well as Greek Yogurt with a banana are very good breakfasts. Try eating an english muffin with peanut butter, a fruit and a glass of milk


how about scrambled eggs? 3 eggs are good for a weekly amount of protein (but don't eat them a lot of days during the week because of the sodium) try to eat peanut butter, beans, rice, raisins are a great snack for school.