The Earth being a giant computer/organism?

Lately I've been reading the Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy, which states that the earth is just a giant computer that was controlled by mice that were looking for the ulimate question to the ultimate answer; (the ultimate answer being of course 42) and before that I was looking up the Gaia Hypothosis, which states that the earth is just a giant organism and we [humans] are just cells or something like that. (like all our different cells making up us, or different types of ants making up an ant hill)

What are your opinions of these two theories and what do you make of them?


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I've read the Gaia Theory and some of it makes sense
But definitely not a giant computer which is controlled by mice...


by technique of time the sunlight swallows Earth we can longer be right here the two we've colonized yet another planet or 2 or we can be extinct. i think of there are different galaxies with planers like ours yet to be chanced on that may sustain existence. i'm sue sciecetists and NASA are working shuttle crafts which would be waiting to take people out of right here while the time comes even even though it won 't be every time quickly. only stay our lives to the fullest and don't difficulty approximately issues like that. Howevertaking from a spiritual attitude Christ will return earlier then. If absolutely everyone can end the sunlight from death out it is the Lord. Then the Earth grow to be a paradise like the Bible depicts. My cousin he gets those wierd conclusions that we will finally end up like Planet of The Apes or Jurassic Park or another technological awareness fiction form of subject. He nevertheless issues Akiens outfitted the Pyramids and could return. he's not dumb or has psychological project. he's extremely bright and clever. it is barely what he reads on the internet and T.V. he believes. not real

A Guy2011-03-07T08:47:19Z

I enjoyed the Guide, and it takes big supercomputers to *simulate* the Earth, for climate purposes, but I think the Gaia hypothesis is a better model, and humans (we) are only *some* of the cells. The planet is not going to work without at least a few plant species. Most seem to feel that more species means a healthier planet.