What's 3√18 simplified?

What is 3√18 simplified? 3 square root 18.


Favorite Answer

√18 = √(9*2) = √9 * √2 = 3√2.

3√18 = 9√2.

U can transform this into fractions by substituting 1.4142135623730950488016887242097 in place of √2.

Hope my answer helps.




3√18 = 3√(2*9)

Jacob K2011-03-09T04:47:21Z

9 square root 2

(Take 9 out of 18, take the sqare root of it and multiply it by 3)


3√18 = 3 * √9 * √2 = 9√2

Since √(ab) = √a * √b, you just need to find the factors of 18 that'll result in perfect squares and go from there.

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