The Truth About The Wisconsin Deficit?

I would love to hear from you regarding the erroneous fiscal crisis in Wisconsin. Governor Walker reports a nearly 130 million dollar deficit, but doesn't report that he caused it by giving a 140 million dollar tax break to large multinational corporations here in Wisconsin (e.g. WalMart). However, this cover story gives him an excuse to do the unthinkable. In my opinion, it`s all about Union Busting. What are your thoughts.


I`m finding these answers absolutely fascinating. As an investigative journalist, we need to see and report `Both`sides of the coin and not just one side. Seeing people ejected from the Capital Building is always a headline. That`s not my forte. I need your opinions. Not what the general media want us to believe. I`d love to give everyone the 10 points. But, I`ll let the answerers do that. In advance, I thank you for your input.


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Pointing fingers at this point is not going to solve the short fall. The voters can point fingers when they vote in the next election. Laws can be reversed. Right now you need cash to pay the bills, provide services and muddle through the economic times.

When you are pointing fingers, be sure to look at all the debt approved by voters, expensive state, county and municipal programs with no financial benefit. Just cost.

Unions too have some responsibility in the problem too. They have become so much a part of the system and the power structure that it is like an invisible government of its own. They are unelected, unresponsive, over staffed, and many times ineffective. They often run by their own rules, that the private sector can not.... with employees taking advantage of and supporting each other under the code of silence and divine neglect.

A time to reason, and a time to deal with the problems less dramatically, has long past. It unhappily signals bad times for good people.



Another misleading statement from an uninformed liberal that just regurgitates talking points from MSNBC. If you want the truth about what Governor Walker has done since he took office, go to this link. Every bill that the governor passed was not only to big corporations, it was mainly to encourage businesses to bring their companies back to WI through many different incentives.

There is no doubt that Governor Walker is not a friend to public Unions, but this ridiculous notion that tax breaks somehow magically add to deficits is just stupid. How can you add to the deficit, spending of money that you never had to begin with? He is doing exactly what conservatives think are the best way to prosper in this country, for the government to take less of our money from us, and spend less of our money on someone else.


That's a load of hogwash, that you are repeating. The tax incentives were in place before Walker was elected and are not removing any money from the budget they only apply to new business and jobs which will bring in more revenues. Why is it so hard for people to accept that most people pay for some portion of their health benefits f they work in the private sector but seem to think it's just horrible if I work for the government to have to do the same.


I think Gov. Walker is a genius. The 14 democrats who ran away to Illinois are big babies. I mean seriously! Gov. Walker and the Republicans voted for the right thing, I think. I should know, I live in Wisconsin

Michael H2011-03-10T22:43:02Z

I think 14 Democrats left the state in order to avoid a vote they knew they wouold lose, the Democrats did it in Texas over redistricting, and lost here too.

I think when one party does something the other doesn;t want, everybody instantly starts calling the other irresponsible.

I think this belongs in politics, not laws and ethics.

I think you will claim that since he lied, it is an ethical issue.

I think you're wrong.

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