Start Kindergarten or delay?

My daughter is 5 and is planned to start Kindergarten in the fall. However, I'm considering delaying a year. She is very smart. In fact, she scored in the "talented" range on K readiness testing. However, her testing scores actually surprised me because, even though I know what she is capable of, I also know that she is very inconsistent in her performance on tasks, more inconsistent than typical. She is very inattentive and impulsive, so another year of a pre-school with a class of 12 with lots of small group activities may really benefit her. I'm afraid in a K class of 25 with a lot more whole class instruction, she just won't get it. Plus, she is scheduled to have a pretty big surgery this summer, and I expect some behavioral regression. Plus, without going into details, she has and will continue to have many difficult things in her life, so part of me just would really like to make sure she doesn't have academic struggles on top of everything else. I'm really torn. I'm afraid she'll be bored in another year of preschool and, and I'm afraid she won't be very successful in Kindergarten. Advice?

Jennifer B2011-03-10T17:13:47Z

Favorite Answer

Give yourself the option of making this decision later - if you need to be registering for preschool and/or Kindergarten now, go ahead and do so for both.

Then make the decision over the summer whether you think she's really ready or not. She's only 5, and you have nearly 6 months between now and when she'd start - that's 10% of her life to date, and a lot can happen between now and then!

Momma M2011-03-11T04:33:58Z

You didn't mention when her birthday is... I would put her in Kindergarten. People make too much of a big deal about this. Kindergartners are resilient and can learn a lot in 9 months. She'll be just fine. I help out in my daughter's K class and there are kids that are gone for like 2 months straight and they come back smarter than ever. You won't have to pay for that preschool again either, that's a big chunk of your money.


I agree. Many kinds of children with a variety of abilities and characteristics enter Kindergarten.
I am sure your child will make a great addition to the group. If you are concerned about whole group adjustments, you may want to place her in group activities for the summer, such as library activities, museum activities, musical activities, art activities etc. Best wishes in making a wise decision! You sound like you know to analyze and plan very well.

Who am I?2011-03-11T00:54:19Z

Don't delay. It will be in her best interest to get with the program and keep up with her peers. In preK the teachers have the mindset of babying the kids along and your DD will have no incentive to step up to the plate. In K they strongly teach responsibility and independence which is probably what she is not getting in preK. plus is she already is 5 then she'll be 6 starting K and turning 7 in the school year.... way way too old!!!


I say put here in kindergarten, if she fall behind she can always repeat the year but if she is bored she might start getting in trouble. Also it's important to keep her with her age group which most kids start kindergarten being 5.

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