Start Kindergarten or delay?
My daughter is 5 and is planned to start Kindergarten in the fall. However, I'm considering delaying a year. She is very smart. In fact, she scored in the "talented" range on K readiness testing. However, her testing scores actually surprised me because, even though I know what she is capable of, I also know that she is very inconsistent in her performance on tasks, more inconsistent than typical. She is very inattentive and impulsive, so another year of a pre-school with a class of 12 with lots of small group activities may really benefit her. I'm afraid in a K class of 25 with a lot more whole class instruction, she just won't get it. Plus, she is scheduled to have a pretty big surgery this summer, and I expect some behavioral regression. Plus, without going into details, she has and will continue to have many difficult things in her life, so part of me just would really like to make sure she doesn't have academic struggles on top of everything else. I'm really torn. I'm afraid she'll be bored in another year of preschool and, and I'm afraid she won't be very successful in Kindergarten. Advice?