My Chihuahua sleeps a lot is that normal?

She is a few weeks to a month old. I just wanted to know was this normal, or should I be worried?


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yes it's very normal she is just a little puppy and she gets tired very easily


I have a chihuahua that will be 2 in april. She sleeps alot too. I think the reason she sleeps so much is because when she was little, she had parvo and nearly died from it. It took a huge vet bill to take care of that and even then, she almost died.
As far as your puppy tho, of course its normal for her to sleep alot. She is like a newborn. :)


.. do you own the mother? Because otherwise you shouldn't have this puppy until it is at least 2 months old if not older.

If it is only a few weeks ago, and not nursing when it should be, it's possible that it's not being nourished properly or hypoglycemic..


Yes, she is just a young pup! :)
If you don't own the mother though, its not good, (or might not even be legal) to have her away from the mum. Unless you have special circumstances, (like the mothers death) she should be with mom. You might want to contact a vet for more information because it so young.


chihuahuas are ***** waste not even look like a real dog! i would rather own a cat and a real dog like a German Shepard or a Husky!

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