worst spot to hang out in high school?

For me, the worst spot to hang out is over by the art rooms, i just wanna see if we all have a similar place that was sorta the weird spot

(i would know, because i use to hang out by the art room sophmore year...)


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at my school its not that weird to hang out at the art room, but its also like 1 mile away from our class rooms so its kinda lonerish haha. but weird as in those guys are losers is like sitting where ABSOLUTELY NO HUMAN PRESENCE CAN BE FOUND. like there r tumbleweeds and like ur the only people there..if ur with a girl then thats a different story, but like a group of guys, alone..that sends the wrong message and is kinda lonerish. sorry if i didnt help u at all


ok. it fairly is not as undesirable as all people says it fairly is. have confidence me i'm at the instant in extreme college (9th grade freshman). once you first are there it may take a bout 2 weeks to memorize your instructions wisely, so until eventually your undesirable at that, it fairly is annoying based how enormous your extreme college is. mine is incredibly enormous. additionally while your at lunch, be certain you intend out who you sit down with at what table, on condition that would desire to be a nightmare attempting to hit upon your friends and that they do no longer look to be on your lunch era. yet different than those to issues, the only different issues you are able to desire to maintain different than the fairly college paintings is your ordinary, and being social. i'm so lots extra social than i became in center college. additionally no person will bully you or beat you up because of the fact your a freshman. the rumors of that occuring are fake ninety % of the time. have exciting!


I like to hang out on top of the school


7-11. The place f'ing reeks of cigarettes, although i'm used to it because of my parents smoking....
But yeah, 7-11 is the worst, unless youre a stoner or gang member yourself :P


Anywhere near the teachers longe.

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