Is it illegal to kill someone in Oregon?

I axidently killed my dad becas he tok away my xbox away. i just get angry alot. is it illegal in the state of Oregon? i havnt told anyon yet.


Guys i axidently did it i no i mite go to prizin.


Favorite Answer

Nope. You did exactly the right thing. Now your uncle will come and kill you.


Maybe now that you don't have your xbox, your grades might improve. Hopefully, you will now go to school since you no longer have any distractions. As for prison, you will fit right in with all the other idiot inmates.


Me scared...Plz say ur kidding and you do know u can actully get in trouble for even urging this on here right dumb @$$

STEVEN F2011-03-17T00:01:09Z

It was NOT an accident. At MINIMUM, it was criminally negligent homicide. That is, it WOULD be if I believed you were not a troll.


Is it legal to be so dumb?

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