Does this sound like an acceptable monologue?

I am supposed to preform a monologue in drama, I know what one is, and I'm usually confident in my writing abilities, it's just, (I'm paranoid) I'm not sure if this is good, or if it's hard to follow.... it's supposed to be at least a minute long. Also, please tell me if u think I will be sent to an asylum for it!!!
Setting: Orphanage manager kills all orphans.

"How dare you sir! I mean, I admit that the predicament we're in, and the manner of this matter in it's intirety isn't one where I should be allotted any room to place shame,but.. My Lord, Sir! How could you ... I mean, I realize I'm not all there. Not in the least. but... to refer to me of them, those retched things, out there in those horrid cells, in their own little world, so uncaring of the rest of us...It's unfathomable that I would ever be one of them. So sir, Do Not say that I am insane. Say that I'm less than I once was, or even.. not myself at the moment, but I can't be insane. I just can't I tell you! I.. realise, this doesn't look good.. I.. promise I do realise that, and, if I realize that, than I musn't be as crazy as you say, right? please sir, tell me I'm not insane.... I mean, I musn't be.. right. ANSWER ME! Oh Dear God.. [sobbing] You see sir.. I can't be.. I, I cared about them, I swear to you I did.. They had to die.. I, those horrid little children... I only ever loved them... they... You must know that they're better off now? Right... that must be true... Oh please sir... please.. please... I only ever cared for them.. only ever... ... [knife clatters to the floor] [sobbing breaks off into laughter] It's all just a loss anyway..You, You retched little fool. I killed them.It's not like there was any one who would care either way, I freed them from their lonely lives! That's not insanity, it's productivity! All the people in the world, some needed to die, be it the twenty I killed or the fifty more being slaughter by others around the world. You can't possibly think I'm insane with such logic as that! Sir, please, you can leave now.. .. I .. sniff... need to mourn now... I ... .....[look to right] [scream] Oh My God.. WHERE ARE THEY? [sobbing]


Okay, when I said preform, I meant I have to write and act out my own monologue, it actually can not be from a play or book... Also, just so everyone knows, I haven't proofread this or anything, this is just the rough draft.. and it doesn't need to be grammatically correct anyway, though I do abhor incorrect grammar and spelling, this should do as a rough draft... I just need to know if it sounds good... not to point anyone out, just clearing things up.

Cathy C2011-03-17T06:45:46Z

Favorite Answer

your writing is good, but if this is for an exam, it needs to be from a published play.


inspect the homestead Of Blue Leaves script. Bananas, who's an insane individual, does a monologue interior the 1st act that's hilarious and he or she does a severe monologue close to to the top of the 2d act. while you're writing one, there are a sequence of different monolougues you may inspect for strategies.


When you're asked to perform a monologue, they almost always mean one from a published play - not one you've written yourself.

I'm sorry, but I don't think what you've written is very good - a couple of spelling errors -
'in its entirety' and 'wretched' 'being slaughtered' 'realise/realize'
The word 'horrid' is over-used and is a rather childish word.
I also don't think it sounds at all realistic. It's over melodramatic.

If you really do have to write your own monologue, choose something a bit less far-fetched, preferably something you have personal experience of. It always sounds more believable.

