Spiritually asking this to Atheist, what was your High School Science class grade point average. Honestly?


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I think 3.7 or so.


I graduated with honors, we didn't use a 4 point system, my average was 94%, don't remember specific grades, but my GPA in my major, Anthropology, was 3.83 (overall 3.2) and it was Anthropological Theory that screwed up my 4.0 major and two F's from dropping out when I was a drunk that screwed my overall. I got A's in all my lab sciences, which were Anatomy and Physiology, Human Evolution and Variation, and The Human Skeleton, but I'm not atheist or theist. I'm uncategorizable. I'm just here for the evolution argument and all the 2012 crap, my focus was Mesoamerican Archaeology.


I was a B student from year 7 to 8 then an A student in year 9 and 10.


I don't think this is really necessarily relevant to atheism. One can have a rational basis for disbelief in religious claims and the existence of a god on just the fact there is no real objective, verifiable evidence for those supernatural claims yet. You don't have to be an expert in any scientific field to reach that conclusion anymore then one would need to be an expert in leprechaun folklore and history to not believe in leprechauns based on the fact there is no real evidence beyond story telling for their existence. This sort of question seems to suggest that theism is a position held on the basis that if you don't understand how the world works then its valid to make up an answer, in this case that it must be a sentient super being did it all. Aside from that I happen to have my bachelor's degree in biology but through much of my studies I was a theist at the time. It was more stopping to really think about the claims and how well founded on legitimate evidential basis they were that led me to decide I didn't or couldn't just accept such claims on faith or subjective emotional states.


My grade point average has never been below a 4.0. But logically speaking, you can't exactly go by that. Grade point averages are determined by test scores, attendance, participation, as well as turning in your assignments, not a person's intelligence level. The grade point average system is flawed.

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