Do you think that men in blacks interpretation of the universe could be close?

Perhaps each galaxy is in a marble and we are all in a big bag together? Looking out saying something about dark matter, what is it? And it is the marble? lol just joking however, doe's size matter? Everything is sooo big to us. But how big do you think it is to God? Couldn't it all be microscopic


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No, I don't exclusively believe in a universe but in a multiverse.

Arantheal  2011-03-17T11:29:16Z

No. It's a common belief that was popularized by the movie but it does not square at all with our current understanding of Physics.

Physics is very different on small scales than it is on large scales. The entire Universe wouldn't work as a microscopic component of something large that functioned in any way similar than what we're used to.


Size is relative. Thinks look big to us because our minds can't comprehend the size of the universe.


Uptil now there are Theories to explain the phenomena on how everything occurs, namely string and M theory.

anthony h2011-03-17T11:32:29Z

No, i don't. Physics dictate something entirely different, and God's creation was more complex than that.

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