Regency vs. Victorian literature and how to write (and research) a historical novel?
I am thinking about writing a historical novel that takes place in Victorian England; I've been reading a lot of Jane Austen (Regency writer) and I've already read one book each from the Bronte sisters as well as three books from Elizabeth Gaskell (all Victorian era writers).
My degree is in history but I never took a course in Brit. history (school never offered it; I do know some of it from Western Civ. coursework) and I'm learning this on my own. Are both types of literature basically the same (e.g. mannerisms, dialogue)? Are there any differences other than time periods?
And how long would it take to research for a historical novel? I have the characters and the plot that I need. I want to start writing it ASAP because I'm itching to go, but I do need to do my homework first. Is it okay to outline and do character sketches? Doing the historical research is no problem for me.
I've pretty much surrounded myself with books when it comes to researching for my novel but I can't afford to travel outside of the country to visit British libraries. Is it entirely possible to research for a historical novel entirely over the Internet?
I appreciate feedback. Thanks. And no spammers, please.
I currently have an ever growing bibliography of reference material, both in books and websites, about five pages long so far.