Friend/guy confusion. Please help!?

Okaay so my friend likes this kid at her school (we go to different schools, same area) and I started talking to him to see if he liked her back. We have been talking for a week now and we talk until we fall asleep. I know this sounds bad but I think he likes me, and I like him too, A LOT. I'm not saying it will, but if anything happened between me and the kid, my friend would be hurt. But I can't just drop my feelings for the guy. I also don't want to lose me and my friends 6 year friendship. I was thinking I should just hold back my feelings, what do you think I should do??


Favorite Answer

Stop talking to him and hold back your feelings. The only reason why you talked to him was for her and when you talked to him too much you must have known that what you were doing was wrong and you shouldn't have allowed yourself to like him so much by talking to him so much. If you had just got an answer if he liked her, yes or no, then left it then that would have been fine but you didn't. Now you have to live with the consequences of what you've done - you have to live with the fact that you like him but can't have him.
I know it sucks but it's the right thing to do.

threedaysgrace <32011-03-19T18:44:57Z

you've only been talking to the guy for a week. you've been friends with the girl for 6 years. it's important to value her feelings. it might be hard but you should wait and give your friend a chance because a 6yr long friendship is much more important than a little puppy love for a guy you've known for a week. she liked him first, and she trusted you to ask him if he liked her. you can't just blow her trust like that and steal away her guy. whenever she gets over him, if she's a good friend then she'll be ok with you dating him. but for now leave the guy to your friend.


Well, u could try talking to ur friend about ur feelings for the guy & if she understands & is cool with it then great, she's a real friend that wants u to be happy. But if she shows any signs of not being cool with it, stick with ur friend. True friends lasts forever, guys come & go.


it would hurt her and make you a bad friend so at this point you need to level things out and decide.. is your friendship more important. or a relationship that hasnt even happend yet. friends last a life time and boyfriends arent forever. think about it but do what you think is best


Be a friend, not a tramp. You'll feel better about it when you're older and aren't so easily confused by the hormones rushing through you now. A boy is a boy, but a friend is a rarity.

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