rate/fix disaster dragon deck?
3x red eyes darkness metal dragon
3x red eyes wyvern
3x koa'ki meiru drago
3x masked dragon
2x totem dragon
2x prime material dragon
2x delta flyer
1x exploder dragon
1x light and darkness dragon
1x future fusion
1x giant trunade
1x monster reborn
1x foolish burial
1x dark hole
1x book of moon
2x mystical space typhoon
2x gold sarcophagus
1x my body as a shield
1x mirror force
1x torrential tribute
1x dimensional prison
1x call of the haunted
2x bottomless trap hole
1x seven tools of the bandit
2x trap stun
extra deck:
1x five headed dragon
1x chimeratech fortress dragon
2x red dragon archfiend
1x black winged dragon (proxy for scrap dragon)
1x colossal fighter
2x stardust dragon
2x scrap archfiend
1x black rose dragon
1x ancient fairy dragon
1x gaia knight the force of earth
1x flamvell uruquizas
1x magical android
side deck:
2x cyber dragon
1x exploder dragon
3x nobleman of crossout
2x soul relase
2x prohibition
1x starlight road
1x pulling the rug
2x royal decree