Milk and vegans the use of?

As vegans do not use milk from animals, can they feed there babies breast milk as this is an animal product? If this is the case there is a human breast milk ice cream now available in the UK would this Qualify as a vegan food.?


Favorite Answer

Ethical veganism involves opposition to the status of animals as property,
and the exploitation that almost always accompanies such a status.

That philosophy has nothing to do with breast feeding one's own young.


Most vegans feel that milk is not necessary outside of the infant stage of of the core arguments against eating milk is that humans are the only animals that take milk outside of being a growing young animal that needs it.

So by that definition I feel most vegans would not try breastmilk ice cream.

However some vegans are not against the taking of milk but rather the treatment of the animals involved, so some vegans might try it.

I would not try it but not because I'm vegan, because I think its a little gross (not saying there's anything wrong with it, just my personal opinion). At the end of the day it probably depends on the vegan that you ask.


Well their babies don't have to be vegan. And I'm sorry, but human breast milk ice cream isn't even food.

