How hard is it to become a police officer in NY?

I'm currently attending college, planning on switching majors to accounting. But the more I think about it, the more I want to become a police officer. I grew up in Suffolk county, so ideally I would like to work there, but the city or Nassau is alright as well. I just wanted to know what it takes to become one, I'm pretty fit, and feel like I could become a good officer, I just need some help getting info. Thank you


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Getting police officer jobs is becoming more and more competitive. How difficult it is to become a police officer can depend on things such as what department you apply with, what you consider "hard", whether or not you have a good background, whether or not you do well on written tests, whether or not you do well during interviews, and whether or not you are physically fit. Accounting is a good major for police officers. Get the highest grade point average that you can. Don't do anything illegal. Maintain a good reputation. Keep a good driving record. Don't get bad credit. Become the best writer that you can. Try to improve all of your communication skills. Practice to improve your observation and memory skills. Become as physically fit as you can. Visit the websites of the police departments that you might want to work for. Police department websites often provide information about their requirements for applicants, about how to apply, and about their hiring process. Best of luck!




Police activity historical past assessments are broad. Misdemeanor list would be sufficient to disqualify you for small departments and keep up your program system for the very significant departments (relying on what the misdemeanors are). PD appears for well man or woman historical past so that you had bigger hold your choices open and assume an extended research interval. Firefighting is a bodily taxing activity and even though they have got man or woman assessments and crook assessments as good as clinical historical past assessments, it can be less complicated to come to be a FF than a PO. Start off with EMT and practice for the opposite jobs and pass by way of the system to hold your choices open. Ya' certainly not realize.! Good luck2u..


Not many are hiring right now. So unless they are hiring it is impossible.
The civil service test is easy. Getting through the written. oral, physical testing and background check for a specific department along with getting through a academy and the state certification test can be very very hard.

less than 11% who pass the civil service test make it to the street as a cop


It's easy..