Why cant atheists make themself watch this video?

Why can atheist not watch this video? I asked this before and got very few answers. If God does not exist as they claim then it shouldn't bother them to take tem minutes out of God bashing, that they do all day long on R/S, and watch it. Is it because satan has so much control over them that he will not let them. Or is it because the video lets them know the FEAR OF GOD?




I think it is funny how people claimed to watch it 4 minutes before it could have been over. Hmmm... Keep lying to yourself. Maybe you will believe it someday.


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no, it's because I like to avoid getting computer viruses. Don't take it personally, I usually don't answer questions where the asker was stupid enough to put a video up.

Stainless Steel Rat2011-03-24T14:59:21Z

I watched it. It is S.T.U.P.I.D. Warning to others,this is a waste of time.

Edit: <<"I think it is funny how people claimed to watch it 4 minutes before it could have been over. Hmmm... Keep lying to yourself. Maybe you will believe it someday.">> I watched the whole thing Skippy. I had it open in a seperate window while I was typing. Don't you people even read your own Bible. Matthew:chapter 24 ,verse 36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[f] but only the Father." Now what is all of this 2012 crap you are shoveling ? I want a real answer.


Nasa Scientists Slam 'Absurd' 2012

Nasa scientists have named John Cusack's blockbuster 2012 as the most "absurd" sci-fi film of all time.

Experts at America's National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) and Science and Entertainment Exchange have put together a list of the least plausible science fiction movies ever made, and the big budget 2009 picture came top.

The film, which depicted Earth besieged by natural disasters, featured ahead of two more 'end-of-the-world' movies - 2003's The Core and 1998's Armageddon.

Donald Yeomans, head of Nasa's Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous mission, says of 2012, "It's absurd. The film-makers took advantage of public worries about the so-called end of the world as apparently predicted by the Mayans of Central America, whose calendar ends on December 21, 2012.

"The agency is getting so many questions from people terrified that the world is going to end in 2012 that we have had to put up a special website to challenge the myths. We have never had to do this before."


Looks like a poor knockoff of History Channel programing. The guy talking is pretty good at doing different voices though, so props for that. The renderings of the planets and stars and such are somewhat decent too, but they don't appear to be related to what the guy is saying. Also, someone should tell this guy to get that huge ugly watermark out of the corner of the screen. Its visually off-putting.

Hey look. Stock footage. And easily recognizable clips scenes from at least five different disaster movies that I can identify right offhand too. Ooh, dramatic movie trailer music. Yay! I love dramatic movie trailer music. Duh-danana duh-danana duh-danana duh da na na DA NA DA NA DA NA

Wait. . . seriously? Clips from 2012? That's just fu'cking sad bro.

Also the title of the video is completely unrelated to the content. Points off for false advertising.

Purple Monkey Dishwasher2011-03-24T15:02:12Z

i watched the whole thing for you.

its just as stupid and worthless at the end as it was in the beginning. im sorry you think this stuff is real, i truly feel for you and any children you have or will have if you are filling their heads with this nonsense.

plus i had already watched it a while back a few weeks after it came out.

if i do not believe the bible is true, why would this video matter at all?

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