Should I buy a condo property that is experiencing foundation settling/sinking?
I currently have an accepted offer for a condo property that I now just learn has pending litigation against the home builder for excessive foundation settling. One the plus side, the homeowners association is suing the home builder so I would not have to deal with that part of the issue. One the down side, the sinking could get progressively worse as time goes on. For the time being, the offer is about 30% below the assessed taxes valuation so I believe it is a decent deal. Could there be issues down the road if the settling gets worse? Inside the property you can see drywall tape at some corners de-laminating and bubbling. There is also a panel of drywall that you can see is experiencing compressing on the bottom as it slightly bubbles out. The cracks that I could find were a little over an 1/8th inch so not too excessive, but they could get worse again with time. The builder is refusing to fix the issue at the moment and thus the litigation. I am wondering if I should still go forward with the purchase or let this one go to another doomed sole. Its a two bedroom, 2.5 bathroom w/ 2 garage spots 1.5 balcony at 1,400 sq ft. for $100K and 360$ association due. Any thoughts would be helpful.