are employers allowed to pass on potentially damaging info about you to a new employer? (UK)?

are employers allowed to put critical information/opinions in job references?

and, are they allowed to pass on health-related information about you that could be used, out of context, against you?

final question, are you entitled to demand to see the references and health details released by the previous employer - for instance if you wanted to correct inaccurate information that was being passed on between companies?


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As far as I am aware (but in Australia) an employer is aloud to give out potentially damaging information about you. But only if it is relivent, for example doesn't show up on time, was caught stealing and so on. but to had out personal information, such as medical details (or anything for that matter, even your middle name) is called a breach in confidentiality.
empolyers are meant to keep all this information to themselves.
however it can be disputiable, as your condition may have effected your ability to work. Also (i don't remember the term) but by not telling the new employer about this medical condition, if it does effect your work can also lead to problems due to a breach in contract.
and lastly, you should be able to demand the references, but instead, maybe just give them to the new employer personally and explain why there may have been a mix up with out telling them you are suspocious of you late employer