San Francisco geography nomenclature change sound a bit silly to you?

Bias Alert!

Tonight's news said a certain group of animal rights folks want to change the name of San Francisco's "Tenderloin" to something that's soy-based, "Tempeh." The news reader bit his tongue, comparing the cut of meat (tenderloin) with the soy product (tempeh).

Here's the site:

I'm not sure whose PC panties got in a bunch, but how can you get your animal-loving teeth into something as grabastic as this half-baked, "needs more time in the oven" attempt at making carnivores into mind-numbed automatons? As if by not having a historic part of San Franciso named after a cut of meat, you'll come to appreciate the soundness of absurdly inane anally-inserted point of view?

Change the nomenclature, eliminate the concept of carnivore choices. Soy is fine, but choosing soy is not the same as twisting the testicles off the language through this kind of thought-police castration.

What say you?


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Not the first time they've tried changing names to "Something more 'animal friendly."

They've tried to change the names of towns, schools, and even fish before. Tonight, I'm having sea kittens with a side of hush puppies and a tall glass of moo moo milk. Need it too, tis cold.


Of all the monies that the city of San Francisco pays out because of its popular and successful five-year--old law that guarantees health coverage to every resident with an income below $55,000 per year, gender reassignment surgery is undoubtedly a very tiny fraction of the total. The reason the city decided to include this surgery among procedures that are covered is the same reason that many U.S. corporations already include it in their health care plans. Fairness. I assume the plan does not cover elective cosmetic surgery. But it WOULD be a good idea if people could get a face lift paid for if they chose to have one. I predict that at some point those kinds of procedures will be covered by many health care plans.

Doug B2011-03-30T08:51:56Z

Gunny, the heart of the gay district is The Castro. The Tenderloin is our scenic "Wino and Crackhead District."

PETA, as usual, are being idiots. We're not changing the name of the Tenderloin (although you will occasionally see a desperate ad for living or retail space in "Lower Nob Hill") anymore than we bowed to the screams of outraged feminists in the 1970s who wanted to rename our biggest tourist trap to "Fisherperson's Wharf."

The story barely made a ripple here. What PETA forgets is we're San Francisco. We have enough craziness all on our own without outside crazy adding to the mix.


I support PETA


TH do know the TENDERLOIN is the Heart of "Gay Frisco?"....yeah the old Tofu-zone of happy town....too funny...

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