HONDA P1166 code What is a Heater Circuit Fault (bank 1 Sensor 1)?
1998 Honda Accord ex I don't have a book for this car. the code reads P1166 Heater circuit fault ( Bank 1 Sensor 1 ) What and where is it. Thanks.
1998 Honda Accord ex I don't have a book for this car. the code reads P1166 Heater circuit fault ( Bank 1 Sensor 1 ) What and where is it. Thanks.
Favorite Answer
The P1166 code is for the primary O2 sensor or for the Air Fuel Ratio sensor.
The page below has a good diagram that should get you close on the location. The diagram is near the bottom of the page:
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HONDA P1166 code What is a Heater Circuit Fault (bank 1 Sensor 1)?
1998 Honda Accord ex I don't have a book for this car. the code reads P1166 Heater circuit fault ( Bank 1 Sensor 1 ) What and where is it. Thanks.
P1166 Honda Accord 2000