Is it true that the Bible contains instructions about how to live life best?
But most people don't want a boss? was that the mistake Adam and Eve made.......deciding for themselves?
But most people don't want a boss? was that the mistake Adam and Eve made.......deciding for themselves?
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I think you would find that advice in Proverbs.
Adam and Eve did make a large mistake when choosing to disobey God.(Gen 3:1-6) This mistake cost them their very lives.(Gen 3:19) We as their offspring inherited sin from them.(Rom 5:12) Jehovah God has lovingly gave us the bible in order to walk worthily of him and please him.(Col 1:8,9) In 2Timothy 3:16,17 it says "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness," The bible however is misunderstood and misapplied so therefore much confusion about Jehovah Gods requirements is abound.(Rev 12:7-9) Mankind cannot direct his own steps, history has proven this.(Jer 10:23; Ec 8:9) Can you look at yourself in the mirror and say 'I will give me eternal life, and I will be happy forever and if I die I will resurrect me.?" Of course not , neither can the president or any man at that! (Ps 146:3,4) Only Jehovah God through his Son Jesus will do this.(Joh 5:28,29; 17:3;Ps 37:29; Rev 21:3,4) So yes how vital for all to search for Jehovah while he may be found because he is our Creator and has given us the bible to gain life.(Rom 15:4; Isa 55:6)
No, that's one of the most false statements I've ever read.