How to do melodeath vocals?

So basically, I'm a 16 year old aspiring melodeath frontman(vocalist/lead guitarist). Unfortunately, I've run across a predicament. I can play guitar really well, and I'm picking up multitasking singing and playing guitar, but the only problem is I can't quite scream how I want to. My main vocal inspiration is from Petri Lindroos (Norther, Ensiferum), and I can't produce the sound at all. Either my voice ends up going too high, or too low. Does anyone know what kinds of techniques are part of his style and how to produce similar results?


Favorite Answer

Try use your diaphragm , as this helps you with pitch and longevity. Try and say a long Sssssssss very hard and your diaphragm should contract and then you will know what to do later.
Your throat should support the sound by clenching the lowest part of your throat.

It takes a bit of practice and imo your better off starting with low growl vocals such as opeth. This a song i used to practice to
Start of low and rise gradually. Low vocals i believe should form the bed rock of vocals as its easier to go from low to high than from high to low.

Be patient.

killer peaches bored tyrant2011-04-02T21:22:07Z

I am no pro by any means, but one thing I remember Mark Jansen of Epica doing is drinking either chocolate milk or yoohoo before doing vocal work, as it causes your throat to get all phleghmy, which makes you more gutteral and acts as a protectant.

Of course, it is the kiss of death for "proper" singing, but hey.. who wants to sing in MeloDeath?

also, because it is easier to full on destroy your vocal chords doing harsh vox than singing,I would recommend looking for all the tutorials you can, so you don't end up out of a career by 20. stuff liek this gives some info

but I would google more, and look for youtubes and such.


The best advice I have is to sing from your throat. Actually it feels like your voice is coming from the top of your chest and you can kind of distort it with your throat and then you control the pitch with your mouth. It's actually pretty easy since you don't have to control your voice as much. I actually did it just trying to do it years ago. If you don't put enough force behind it though, it will sound weak and have a lot of breaks in it. Probably the hardest thing to achieve is loudness since it takes considerably more breath.
