need helpful hint or tips for strawberry garden? please read?

I am in Virginia and am planning on starting a small strawberry garden in a raised garden bed.
I have never done this but love strawberries and can't afford the prices in the store and I know fresh grown is always better
any help or tips would be appreciated,


Favorite Answer

They grow pretty easily in a balanced soil. Good thing you are doing this in a raised bed, because they tend to propagate rapidly and once they get into something else, good luck getting rid of them. Remember this, so don't fill the bed completely because next year you will probably have twice as many of them

We had some mulch delivered a couple of years ago that apparently had seeds in them and by the time the plants showed up, the root system was well established and we are having a helluvatime getting them out of the perennials.


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William C2011-04-03T19:40:45Z

Buy one plant. Break it apart and replant the pieces. After it starts to grow peg the runners into the ground and then replant the runners once they have roots. I did that two years ago and now have 22 plants.


last year i grew some in hanging baskets(since they are like a vine) and they did ok.If the season is good, rain and sun at moderation they will grow nicely. i got some links below.

Happy gardening =)


Birds love fresh strawberries.
Invest in a cover with bird netting.