Why do we have to wait to John Cena vs The Rock NEXT YEAR? +BQ?

i wanted to see it at Extream Rules or Summerslam! what do you think?

BQ: Sin Cara vs Rey Mysterio vs John Morrison..hell of a match eh?


Jhart : u make no sense


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To build hype for next year's Wrestlemania. I think it will make alot more since, since Wrestlemania has the largest rate buyers, and is the most expensive, it will make since to put the match on that night.
Plus, there will be millions, and millions of people who are going to pay and watch that match. Me personally, I am going to save up, so I can watch that match in person.

I think Mysterio, vs Sin Cara would be a fine enough match. I think Morrison is a good athelete, but let's face it. He will just be in the way, and more people would rather watch the two masked man fight, then the pretty boy jump into the fight on which he does not belong.


I actually don't seen Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio making good matches with each other. I know it will definitely happen of course, its obvious, but even so, I see Sin Cara fighting bigger guys, so he can truly use his abilities to their fullest. If you have Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio, it would make for an awkward match, where they're both just flying all over the place. It's nice to mix-and-match fighting styles, and those three just have styles that are too similar.

It would be nice to see Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara tag-team though :)

And I think John Morrison and R-Truth would make an awesome combo too.

And everyone above me already gave a reasonable answer about the Rock vs Cena thing :)


Yeah, but I think they want to save it. My man, what was the biggest ppv buy-rate in 2005? You might say WM21. But actually, it was Summerslam '05. Headlined by: Hogan vs. Michaels. So its cool to wait.

Look, I'm dissapointed, just like the rest of you. Because of different factors. Factors like, what will they do w/ Cena for a full year. We know he will be in the title picture, but will it be for a title?! Will the belt be devalued if Cena gets it, then rolls into WM28 facing a guy who hasnt wrestled since WM20?!

What about injuries. We know the Rock will not commit to too many dates. So does that mean Cena being on a reduced schedule?!

WWE is now rolling perhaps the biggest dice ever, that will now have a semi-long term effect on it, it will be interesting nontheless.


Rock is busy making movies. Also they want to try and recapture the greatness of Hogan vs Rock from WM18.

BQ. it should be.


I'm not surprised, The Rock will be loved as its in his home town so he will get a huge pop. My only surprise is it was announced so soon.

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