Just a thought about the universe and religion?
Thinking in a different way right now,
Most scientists believe the Universe is infinite. But what does that mean about anything that is possible thinking statistically. An Infinite environment means that even if it is a absolutely small percentage chance it will exist somewhere in that infinite environment. I propose this The likely hood that god exists is put it at .00000000000000000000001% for those that are sold against it but have an open mind. that percentage in an infinite environment would mean the God exists and those that say 0% are simply rounding off too early.
Then wouldnt that mean the possibility is growing
Also it depends on which string theory you put your thoughts into. im thinking about the universe so large that there are infinite versions of you in it just each one varies a small amount.
to answer the second one, cant their be beings that exist outside of the limitations of humans and experience time in vastly different ways.