Participating in a chocolate fest?

I am organizing a chocolate fest at the fire house to which I belong.

I was planning to invite chefs/bakers etc from local restaurants, country clubs, bakeries etc to participate.

Someone said they didn't think any "professionals" would want to participate bcse we aren't offering large cash prizes.
This is our first time doing it so we wanted to keep prizes on the smaller size and build up as the event grows...
I was thinking $50 and a prize medal for first $30-40 for second and $20-25 for 3rd...
Unless we get a great turn out of entries then we can use some the money from entering to build the kitty for the prize money.

My question is if you are a "professional" would you participate to support the fire house or forgo the event ?


Favorite Answer

I would get your local media involved, too...what better way to advertise the expertise of these chefs? Free for them in that regard ...a chance to showcase their creations! Instead of looking at what the cash prizes will be, they'll look at the possible new business all that attention will bring...

...and really, who can say 'no' to firefighters??


I most certainly would be silly not to attend because such a rare event like this is rarely held and who cares about the size of the cash, If they win...well then they win, it's their problem if the prize is not large enough!!
Good Luck!! :)