to the girls: is having a boyfriend in high school really worth it?


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Im not entirely sure why this question is specifically towards girls ..

Forgive me, im not a female however, i believe relationships in high school are indeed worth it .
True, relationships that last till marriage are hard to find but definitely not impossible .

Thinking back on my relationships, i didnt regret any of them .
It was fun while it lasted and i got to experience may new things .

Id say go for it, you honestly have nothing to lose .


It usually depends on the guy but i think if the guy is immature then its not worth it


im in highschool. i have a boyfriend but i can't say whether it is worth it or not because i don't know. all i know is i love spending time with him and he is my best friend :)


Well how else are you going to learn how to negotiate your way through romantic relationships?


With the right relationship it can be. It's always nice just to have someone that's gonna be around.

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