How is Pia in the bottom three on American Idol tonight?

...I just don't see it. IMO, she has the best/strongest voice there. How is Paul moving on? He always sounds awful.


Someone will just sign her now....she doesn't need Idol.


Remember Chris Daughtrey - he got voted off with two other remaining and is doing awesome today!


Favorite Answer

The producers of AI do this every year when they are getting enough people to vote. They throw off someone really good and then chastise the America saying you should have voted. There is no outside group counting the votes. This is just a ploy for ratings.


This was bound to happened. People are voting to eliminate certain contestants in order to keep certain ones on.I am trying to understand why the judges wanted to feel so surprised that Pia went home when the viewers are voting for their best. I can picture exactly how things are going to go now. There is not a need for me to vote. People have been saying some harsh things about the contestants and if they are not a favorite then they are doom. Why vote? You already know that a male is going to win American Idol.


I am shocked, and so was Ryan, so were the judges and so were MILLIONS of other ppl, even Randy was like "what the **** happend" I voted for her a couple times, she was the tottal package, I wish they didn't use there save on Cassie, althought he's good but Pia was the best no doubt, Jenifer Lopez was crying, and everyone was shocked, I think Stephano or Paul should've went home what the **** America?


I agree which contain your backside 3. the two Haley or Naima might go homestead this nighttime. Stefano and Thia may well be there for a pair of weeks greater or so... EDIT: Mr. risk could not be greater incorrect. Scotty has the biggest fanbase. visit any talk board web site. Scotty is the front-runner in any web site.

Halo Mom2011-04-07T18:04:15Z

I like Paul, I find him very interesting
I do not vote for him

When everyone does well, anyone could go home

I thought Pia was one of the best last night
She listen to the judges this week

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