American Idol - did the judges use their save too quickly?

NOW would have been the time to use it.... as much as I like Casey- Pia was the front runnner to take it all.
Well 10 to 1, someone signs her now. She doesn't need Idol to be successful. (ala Daughtrey.)
Chin up Idol/Pia fans... the show goes on!


Did we really need 13 people to go on tour - and was Casey worth the save in hindsight?


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Exactly!! I wasn't excited when they saved casey, I knew in my heart that they were gonna need that save later, and I was right. Pia could have been saved!! Ugh, the nerve of them to ask her to sing one last time, its not over for her, she got a power house voice, somebody Big is gonna sign her asap. I realli can't believe this :( I thought randy was joking, like he did with jacob. Smh. Stefano over Pia? I think not.


No I think it was good that they used their save on Casey making the top 10 Tour (11 this year) is a big deal and he definitely deserved that (I think he's top 4 material) especially compared the other performances that week.

EVERYONE was good last night in the top 9 performance, and it was the best some of the weaker ones had been, though I was betting on Stefano going home I really thought it could have been anyone, it's actually a respectable week to go out on.

I did kind of wish the judges called Pia out on what I thought wasn't the best song choice nor the best stage presence (Jennifer kind of did by telling her to study dancers, she's totally the best judge BTW) it makes viewers realize they're not safe (how many times did someone Simon was harsh on get the pity vote) But I have a good feeling she'll see success despite this or maybe even because of this, it helped Chris Daughtry and Susan Boyle

Halo Mom2011-04-07T18:30:49Z

No, Casey should of been saved
People should of learn from that

11 people are going on the save
I like Casey, I think pia is the better singer, casey is better on stage

Last night nobody even Paul was bad
Pia I thought was in top two, and casey in top 4

Casey should of been saved
pia fans should of voted, just like cAsey fans a two weeks ago

Pia should not been voted off, but Casey should not of been either
I thought both could of made the final four


Let's just say that if the judges could've seen the future, they wouldn't have saved Casey and would've used it tonight, and rightfully so cause Pia was the best hands down. I think that American Idol needs to have 2 saves per year instead of one just in case America screws everything up again (which they will cause they always do). I think we need to start to petitions. The first one to get Pia back on AMerican Idol, and the second one to take down, cause they helped keep Paul in and I think they need to go down big time.


Hayley Scarnato Now the only women are Lakisha Jordin Melinda ( I knew they might by potential of and massive be the final women left because of the fact the different women in basic terms weren't as good different than stephanie) and the boys: Phil Blake Chris Sanjaya i think the appropriate 5 would be Blake, Sanjaya, and the three women because of the fact now no longer many adult adult males and girls like phil ( I rather like him although) and Chris is kinda in basic terms there he does not have a generic fan base like Sanjaya and Blake I additionally assume Blake shall be in the finale with the different women that's my techniques on the finale and othe rthings

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