Girlfriend advice for a socially awkward 16 year old?

I'll be honest: I've never had a girlfriend in my life and I'm almost 16 years old. I've turned down 2 opportunities because I was so nervous and didn't know what to do even if I had said yes. You could say I'm "socially impaired" tbh. I get really, really nervous around people, especially girls and ESPECIALLY ones I like. I don't know what the par is and I don't know how to react to anything in a relationship really. I would be the person that on a 4th date at a movie would be putting my arm up and back down 20 times trying to decide if I should make the move. Seriously. I'd be a nervous wreck the week before prom, assuming I could even manage to ask a girl out to prom.

I have had what you might call a half-girlfriend long-distance before and it started with facebook chat and eventually I started calling here every week, but I got so nervous that half the call turned into awkward silence as I tried to think of something, anything to say. Eventually I just stopped calling altogether because I didn't know what it was supposed to be and I thought she probably deserved more than 1 awkward telephone call a week. If that was the wrong course of action someone tell me but I didn't want to embarrass myself by "breaking it off" when I didn't even know if she considered us that.

Not even really sure what I'm asking here... I guess I'm asking what to do if I have the opportunity and I know the girl likes me back... if I asked her out what then? I just don't know...

A girl's perspective would be nice here.


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you just need to relax. i'm like a girl version of you- really scared and shy around guys i llike, but i have a feeling you know a good girl when you see her, i mean one who wouldn't laugh in your face if you asked her out, one that would actually care about your feelings and would have some intelligence. so once you find that girl that you're really interested in just relax and say hi to her, try and talk a little more each day. first say hey, the ask what's up, then compliment her shoes or something- day by day. just take it one step at a time and it will get easier i promise you. if you want, you can 'practice' by saying hi to girls in the hallway or even just smiling at them to begin. start adding and talking to girls on facebook, even if you have no interest in dating them. you'll be fine. just stay calm and don't think of the negative. never live with "what ifs". good luck! :)


Hang in there little pup! It gets easier! Once you've had your initial girl contact (some kissing, some holding hands) it will just come more naturally to you. But don't take the time to ask a girl on a date, frankly dates are awkward. I'm 21 and I still don't like dates, it's like you are forced to watch someone else eat and force conversation. Ugh.. Try meeting girls in social situations like parties, school events, etc. This takes the pressure off and lets you just be you, you know?


Hey, I'm 16 here. I am a girl and I'm socially awkward, I've only ever had a boyfriend just once. Well, if you ask her out than you ask her out. If she accepts to your question than think like a girl... Meaning think as if you were a girl; girl's like it when the guy makes all the moves. Don't stress out too much. In my opinion, I find it utterly hilarious when a guy stresses out to make a move, I like that. Lol, do what feels right.


The worst that could happen is she will say no. If she does blow it off and just keep being friends with her working so that way things aren't awkward anymore. If she says yes then be yourself because that's the guy she said yes to.
The things a girl wants in a guy is compassion, trust and for her to be able to trust you back.

compassion: meaning showing her how appreciative you are of her. either by giving her a surprise when you go out on a date or just showing up to a game, show or some other thing that she does. don't try to shower her with gifts 24/7 but make sure that when you do give her a gift it comes from the heart and it's not just something you picked up at a gas station. make sure you're there to listen to her and to talk to her. Tell her something funny or weird that you saw that day to start a conversation and all the sudden you'll have "couple jokes". Don't be self centered but don't center yourself around her. Give her space and go to her instead of letting her always come to you.

trust: meaning don't get all jealous if she's hanging out with other guys. Just tell her you don't like it if it's a daily thing but don't accuse her.

letting her trust you: don't go around dancing with other girls. don't go putting your arm around other girls. don't hug a girl for more than a few seconds. but with your girlfriend, always try to have some sort of physical connection and make sure if you guys make eye contact smile. letting her know it's her your looking at. p.s. no looking at other girls.

wish you a ton of luck but the best thing i can tell you...listen to what she's saying and follow your heart. she will tell you what she likes and you have to trust your own judgement.

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!


when you meet the right person, it won't be akward. you will be able to have a conversation without being doesn't matter how long you wait, theres someone for everyone. good luck. If you really like this girl though, try a movie, as friends, no moves, not a lot a lot of talking, and you get to know eachother.

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