He is very colicky so its hard to tell if he is even more fussy because he's teething or if its just the colic, but he has been drooling A LOT and he seems more fussy than usual, all the time. Also I breastfeed him and all of a sudden my nipples hurt like crazy when I nurse him. I'm not sure if he is biting me or not but I can't think of any other explanation. Any advice?
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Just run your clean finger gently around his gums, you will feel if any teeth are starting to cut the surface. Babies do not usually bite the nipple anyway during breastfeeding even when they do have teeth (I breastfed until 8 months).
Maybe have a chat with your health visitor/doctor if your nipples are hurting it could be thrush or maybe he just isn't latching on properly for some reason?
My baby is 3 months old also and I breastfeed him. He also drools alot. He isn't colic though. Have you tried 'Colic Calm' for his colic? We are going to get some of it for my baby to help with his acid reflux. I've heard it's AMAZING for colic babies!!! And if he was biting your nipple-you would DEFINATELY feel it! My baby also wants to suck on everything...his fingers, his blanket, my finger my clothes, anything he can get his hands clenched on. Just in case he's teething, you might want to get some teething medicine...I heard Gripe water is good for teething. Possibly some baby Tylenol for pain?
Teething :-0 mine is the same he's 13 weeks no visible teeth but crying and dribbling fingers in mouth and chewing on bottle teat try bonjela it's not brilliant but it helps x