What do you think about burning holy books?

i've been at rallies where we burned the bible and koran...people who belong to these respective religions...do you see it as an attack at you or as i see it, a symbol of free speech

I see it that way because nobody can stop me, no matter how many people get mad and burn embassies down and threaten me, i want to show people they cant use terrorism on me.

If i die, i will go down as a martyr


books provided free...no waste...even got a free candle and lighter


they wasted paper printing these fables anyway.


Favorite Answer

So you've burned other people's holy books? What did you gain out of it?
This has nothing to do with freedom of speech and everything to do with disrespect

I spit on you

Esoteric Order of Dagon2011-04-14T09:36:55Z

Well if one/a couple people decide to burn a book I don't care even if its a book I hold dear. Its freedom of expression. I would be against any law that says you can't burn a book.

Mass book burnings that were done in Nazi times make me wary. But those differed from this Qur'an burning saga quite a lot. That makes me nervous. Its very symbolic, like burning a flag. But lets face it in the Middle East these Muslims are always burning Western flags in protest or burning dolls made to look like our leaders at protests. If they have zero respect for our nations or leaders then why should I respect their fairytale book?


Take several large korans and bibles.....

A traditional recipe

Carefully remove the covers (Conserve) and soak the pages in 2 pints of warm water.
Using a large whisk stir briskly until the iron-age superstitious nonsense forms a smooth paste.

Form the paste into several small bricks and compress to drive the water out.
Place the bricks onto the conserved covers.
Leave to dry over night.
Apply a garnish of your favourite fuel oil.

Serves 2-3 small fires.


I find it ironic the "free speech" excuse has been used to allow burning other people's efforts to exercise their own free speech. Sure, you are using that "right" to freedom of expression, but so were they. If you seek to eliminate their right don't cry and whine when you find yours gone someday.

I think it's rude, I think it is hypocritical and is borderline mind control and brainwashing if people seriously choose to eradicate the ideas and knowledge of another human being simply because they do not agree with it.


I'm not going to stop anybody from doing it, but I think it's both disrespectful and a waste of time. Plus, things like that have been known to start conflicts that result in violence, injury, and death. I'd rather let others practice whatever religious belief they wish to practice and engage them in open dialogue about our differences. Attempting to understand one another is plenty more effective than attempting to offend one another.

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