Who was the greatest atheist philosopher in your opinion?
And why?
i am fond of the "four horsemen of atheism" but i don't know any older philosophers though, and was also looking for some suggestion
who are the etc?
And why?
i am fond of the "four horsemen of atheism" but i don't know any older philosophers though, and was also looking for some suggestion
who are the etc?
Captain Sarcastic
Favorite Answer
Well, I'm personally fond of Albert Camus.
Billy Joel. Allentown=mindblowing.
Bertrand Russell. and not making use of a shadow of a doubt. the super majority of modern (i.e. twentieth and 21st century) analytic philosophers are atheists. maximum of them do no longer write on atheism however; it isn't very exciting to chat approximately, whilst in comparison with issues in epistemology, good judgment, language or metaphysics.
Hume, Russell, Nietzsche... etc...
Etc = Dennet, Churchland, Churchland, Searl, Fodor, Blackburn, Davidson, Quine, Williams, Carnap... and the rest of the contemporary philosophers of the Western analytic tradition that you find in most universities.
Basically 90% of professional philosophers are atheists. They're just happy to let others do the dirty work for them. They have much more pressing topics to attend to.
Freddy said it best when he stated that: "There is a great ladder of religious cruelty with many rungs; but three of them are the most important. At one time one sacrificed human beings to one's god, perhaps precisely those human beings one loved best —the sacrifice of the first-born present in all prehistoric religions belongs here, as does the sacrifice of the Emperor Tiberius in the Mithras grotto on the isle of Capri, that most horrible of all Roman anachronisms. Then, in the moral epoch of mankind, one sacrificed to one's god the strongest instincts one possessed, one's `nature'; the joy of thin festival glitters in the cruel glance of the ascetic, the inspired `anti?naturist'. Finally: what was left to be sacrificed? Did one not finally have to sacrifice everything comforting, holy, healing, all hope, all faith in a concealed harmony, in a future bliss and justice? Did one not have to sacrifice God himself and out of cruelty against oneself worship stone, stupidity, gravity, fate, nothingness? To sacrifice God for nothingness—this paradoxical mystery of the ultimate act of cruelty was reserved for the generation which is even now arising: we all know something of it already".
just me
JUDAS THE ISCARIOT --- The greatest and the most stupid of all. He was there during the miracles of Jesus and he has seen more signs from God Through Jesus Christ. Apart from all of those experiences and knowledge, he still betrayed Jesus in exchange for material wealth. By doing that he is an atheist because he denies God. he is greater than the atheist today who has not experienced the power of God and therefore has more reason to disbelieve God.