Why does the guy next door walk with a lisp?

And talk with a limp?

Oink Oink2011-04-17T02:14:44Z

Favorite Answer

Because he wants to confuse the guy next door.


Don't know :P this is a serious problem. His legs shouldn't be lisping and his talk shouldn't be limping. You should get this man to a hospital as quickly as possible! He may require flip-floppidy surgery to fix this problem. Some home remedies include sticking your foot in your mouth. So if it's not that bad, you could definitely do that. Or maybe you're just being funny and I'm just trying to be sarcastic. That could be the case too...


when a tongue limps, that would automatically give it a lisp, right?


Cause you're grasp of the English language is weak

Play With Fire2011-04-17T09:08:02Z

Leave him alone dude seriously. Gosh people these days are dumber than ever!

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