Christians, if we found life on other planets...?

would you presume god put it there, or would you be open to the the notion that life can form without interference?


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If there's life out there, then God is the creator. When Jesus went to prepare a place for us It had to be "out there" so yes you could say there is life out there in the universe



I would assume God put it there, because there is no viable explanation for how life could have been created *without* God. The touted abiogenesis experiment only managed to create "organic material," not actual life, and it was using the wrong atmosphere besides. The correct atmosphere creates "organic material"--cyanide and formaldehyde. Great, people. We can create embalming fluid from inorganic substances. Now what? And even if we did manage to create the components of cellular life from inorganic substances, the probability of those coming together to form actual life is minuscule compared to the probability of a days-old corpse being revived by a bolt of lightning. At least the corpse is already in the right shape to support life.


Look how many non believers answer for believers.
God is life, so there should be any form of life elsewhere. I would expect it. If it's higher form of life, cool. Don't affect my belief in God at all.
God might have his own form of instructions for them. Just like the angels have a system different from ours. It's all good.

Mr. Immortel2011-04-18T19:03:24Z

No we would not presume anything, we know that God created all things. :) Life does not form by itself or on its own.


We Christians would have to believe that God Created life on other planets, but remember life as of yet has not been found anywhere else but earth..

What would atheists believe if they found life elsewhere but earth and this life shared human DNA, ponder that?..

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