Looking for Math 101, Stat 101 Summer Courses in London College?
I am an international student looking for the following courses to take at a London College Summer school:
MATH 101 (Finite Math) STAT 101 (Intro to Stats)
Can anyone advise me on a good college that provides these short-summer courses 2011? Thank you in advance.
Favorite Answer
Not many schools/ colleges will be offering these courses. Having said that I know Birkbeck college ( in London) do some. So have a look here http://www.bbk.ac.uk/study/all_courses/mathematics.html
By the way - The Brisih would call these: Introduction to Finite Maths, and Introduction to Statistics. Note that we say "Maths"- with the S. This is because there are many different types of Mathematic discipline to be learnt.
Well... since you already have volunteering & hanging @ the pool... here are some more suggestions + more: BBQ/Pic-Nic/Bonfire Wal-mart =P lol (I'm from the south, and we actually hang out there if you don't know lol) Go to concerts Go to the beach (volibol, sandcastles, ect) Campfires 4th of July Party/Fireworks (if it's legal in your state, if not, each state/county/city usually has fireworks of their own) Amusement Parks (Six Flaggs, ect) Better my Spanish Baking Slip N Slide Moon Bounce Girls Night Out Bubble Machine Water gun fight/ Water balloons Pig Latin Start Learning French Driving School/Permit/Lisence Carwashes Learn Electric Guitar/Better my acoustic guitar skills Go roller skating Go ice skating Road trip Party Sleep Overs Read 5 Good books Video Games Memorize a hard song on piano Change my hair Write a long, amazing story Get a scholarship Exercise =P lol (my doctor said it'll help w/ female issues -hint hint-) Go fishing Make a sidewalk chalk drawing Garden Shop Get a Job (if I have time lol, if not, then maybe during the school year) College Trip Camp Sports Sleep In lol Learn how to play an instrument (start a band lol) XOXO♥HAVE FUN♥XOXO