Have you been treated by Dr. Vaidya Narayana Murthy, for Cancer?

There is a doctor in India who has been treating many people for cancer using a tree bark. The doctors name is: Vaidya Narayana Murthy.
He uses a tree bark with other liquids.
1.Do you know where I can get the bark in the USA?
2.Give me some links where I can perchance it or find it
3.It’s a something that has saved human life in India, but I can’t seem to find it here in the USA.
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide. I have a family member who has been suffering with cancer for several years and every treatment in the USA has not cured it. Keeps returning


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If they have tried everything else then you've got nothing to loose.This bark is called--Pau D'Arco Here's a link to the site explaining this bark. It is available in most health food stores. Best wishes


Narayana Murthy Wikipedia


Do you seriously believe this?? You do know there is actual chemo drugs made from plants and the bark of trees?? Some poor farmer with no education is curing people of cancer for free?? Wow, a miracle was born 60 years ago! Here... give him a call... : (+91) 08183 258033.


This is true, you can just go to bangalore , India and then reach Shimoga town, from there it is just one hr. It is a village.


Total BS.

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