First, KK Downing leaves Judas Priest.
Then, BOTH Jeff Loomis and Van Williams leaves Nevermore.
Finally, and just announced today, Roy Khan leaves Kamelot.
So, to reiterate: This week suuuucks.
MQ: Which of these three departures hits closest to home? (i.e. which one are you most disappointed about) BQ: Favourite Judas Priest, Nevermore, and Kamelot album/song?
Haha Bomb Soldier, I know. I was disappointed about all three, but Khan's departure was the last straw. This week SUUUUCKS.
haha KP, it's OK. I wasn't a big fan of their last album either, but I thought it was just a slump, and not Khan's personal farewell to the band. I usually don't like admitting that the vocalist is the main reason I'd like a band, but in Kamelot's case, it's more or less true. He was co-songwriter of Kamelot too, so without him, there's a good chance Kamelot's future albums will revert back to the quality of their first two, which were pretty mediocre.
Metal Tyrant: I think it had something to do with religion, actually...didn't bother reading the details, too busy cutting myself.
Anyways, I'm putting this question to vote. Thx for the answers, everyone!
Favorite Answer
Wait, I knew about KK Downing, but wtf? Nevermore with no Loomis and Williams? Kamelot without Roy Khan?
It is sad, but as disappointing as it is, I guess we have to remember these guys have personal lives too, there's no telling what all that have going on and sometimes they just can't keep doing the same thing...For Downing it's probably the fact that he's old and has been doing it for almost half a century, but I am surprised to hear of the others, I just hope they have other projects.
I like Judas Priest and Nevermore the most out of the three (Probably JP THE most), but Judas Priest wasn't putting out great albums anymore and I feel Nevermore will still be able to pull something together even without the great Loomis (If they continue to make albums) so I think Roy Khan leaving Kamelot is the most disappointing, Roy Khan was really what made Kamelot a great band, the musicians aren't as talented, the drummer is Ok, but the guitarists aren't the best in the field, they're good, but not tremendously talented as Roy Khan.
Really weird that they would quite now though. Nevermore's last wasn't quite as good as past albums and neither was Kamelot's but they weren't complete failures, so It's hard to understand exactly why they quite, the only thing I can figure is they got tired of it, or there was some sort of conflict, but dang it's still surprising.
BQ- Top 3
Judas Priest 1. Painkiller 2. Sad Wings of Destiny 3. Sin After Sin
Kamelot 1. The Black Halo 2. Epica 3. Ghost Opera
Nevermore 1. Dead Heart in a Dead World 2. This Godless Endeavor 3. Enemies of Reality
*Oh, and let me make sure I thank the ole' asswipe for the TD
Jeff left Nevermore?!?! WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!!??!!?!?!??!?!!?!?!
Yeah, been in the country the past week so I haven't been very updated. But to answer your question, Jeff's departure definetely hits me worst. I'm dissappointed by K.K. leaving Priest before the goodbye tour, but that was much more expected since everyone in Priest is like 60. But Jeff... the dude is one of my heroes and the fact that he's leaving Nevermore is just... blagh. I like Kamelot but Jeff hits me much harder since Nevermore is one of my favorite bands...
BQ: Judas Priest album: Sad Wings of Destiny song: Dreamer Deciever
Nevermore album: Dead Heart in a Dead World song: The River Dragon Has Come
Kamelot album: The Black Halo song: When the Lights Are Down
Nothing sad about Khan. Dude's got the voice of a God and mediocre megasuck Kamelot was holding him back. He should have been Iced Earth's new singer!!!!!!!!! He could form a band with Loomis, that'd rock.
The Downing thing, that is sad.
MA: KK for sure
Dreamer Deciever/Sad Wings of Destiny The River Dragon Has Come/Dead Heart In A Dead World
Never could get into Kamleot, too trite and cheesy.
I knew Khan was having troubles of one sort or another. Something about depression or the like. But I never would have thought he'd leave...He made Kamelot...I don't think Kamelot as a group can ever recover from this.
Roy....I am disappoint....
BA: I can easily say that I've loved every Kamelot album that I've listened to.