Multiple questions Are you under the impression that a gun that exhibits a bright color is assumed to be a toy?

Real hand guns can now be purchased in colors? Not that I am particularly against guns. However, I am thinking what could happen if a kid would get a hold of one of these guns thinking it is OK because it displays a color. Should we assume that because that the gun a child is holding is colored that it is not real? Do you see how this would cause confusion? Should we stick the set standards we have developed for safty reasons?


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we are supposed to..but I don't see it...anything shaped "like" a gun..should be considered a "GUN"

to answer your other questions... I think we should stick to the set standards we have developed for safety reasons...
~My take on any Gun is the gun doesn't kill's the "bullets"...
p.s. all "guns" in my home are in a locked gun safe...for a reason
I'm not against Gun's our right to own a Gun~ period


Adding the red plug on the barrel of toy guns was supposed to identify toys as toys in an attempt to avert accidental shootings of fools or children brandishing toy guns in innocent or provocative ways.
Sadly the little red plug can be removed and toy guns have been used in criminal endeavors.

Guns are guns regardless and should be treated with the respect they deserve.
People are people regardless of their proficiency or intelligence and mistakes happen.

So long as we have bricks or knives or sticks or guns there will be people injured or killed tragically because of their misuse or off label use in the case of things like bricks. If a kid is brandishing a toy gun in a threatening manner with the red plug there are other issues that should be addressed.


Flare guns could be colored too...and those would cause some real damage as well.