How do I care for a baby rabbit the cat brought in?

So I was outside and this stray cat that comes around came running over with a baby rabbit in its mouth. The cat put it down and it seemed to be fine and not hurt. My mom put it in a cat carrier and now we dont know what to do. We dont want to do the wrong thing.


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You can tend to it for a few days, feed it vegetables / fruits, and wild grass will be fine. Just be sure it has fresh water and make sure it is alright before you release it back into the wild. If its not a wild rabbit, or you live in a city environment, maybe you can keep it? As long as the bunny is not harmed it should live a fully happy and healthy life :)
All you would need is a cage, some bedding (of wood shavings or paper) and a water bowl / bottle for it to drink from. Rabbits are wild animals and can eat just about any fruit or vegetable, especially apples, carrots, dark leafy veggies, peppers, and even herbs like mint, dandelion greens, thyme, etc. Ig you do not want to keep the bunny, the right thing to do would be to take it to an adoption place, like the humain society, where it will be given a new home :)
Good luck, and hope this helps


Same thing happened to me bro ;)

Give him some grass, some types of fruit... celery, carrots, lettuce... and be careful when he tries to runaway from the cage ;)

And if you want to keep him you might want to consider buying a bag of rabbit food...