Do you need to have a debating background/skills to be a lawyer?
i want to be a lawyer so just wondering if you need debating skills/background...
i want to be a lawyer so just wondering if you need debating skills/background...
Favorite Answer
A love of debate is a strong driver of success as an attorney. If you love the law but the performance part of it, you might consider becoming a researcher or legal analyst rather than an attorney.
As far as debate experience, it isn't mandatory for success. Some attorneys I know got undergrad degrees in English, Psychology, Political Science or some other social science. Not having good communication skills or being well read and literate are a consummate dealbreaker. If you are not a voracious reader and an information junkie, you will find even the study of law to be overwhelming.
Just go to college, get stellar grades and get a degree in something so you can even get into law school. By the time you get a law degree you'll be able to decide whether or not you want to actually be an attorney. That's at least 8 years from now unless you're in college or done with college already.
A law degree is never a waste because it is useful in other related areas. Every organization has to operate in a lawful way but often need law experts to do it. There's lots of opportunity there.
What's the worst thing that could happen? Even if you never take the bar exam or practice law, you'll be a whole lot smarter than you are now and that's a good thing even if you don't pursue a career in law.
One caveat: law school is mucho expensive. Unless you are rich or on a full scholarship, you will be making huge monthly student loan payments for no less than a decade so keep that in mind if you decide to go for it and then quit before you're done. Paying off a $100,000 college loan is a cinch if you're successful at law, but could kill you if you end up flipping burgers.
If you do become a lawyer, you could be handling cases where you do not like the client, don't believe the client, but you have a ethical duty to protect and defend the client.
A good example is in a murder case. Most lawyers DO NOT want to know if the client did it or not. Their job is to fight for their client to be found not guilty or reduce the charges and/or prison time.
Debating would help you to find both sides of each story and ways to fight for the side you are on.
good luck