What is the law for an abandoned vehicle?

I live in Texas, my ex wife left the motorcycle that is in her name with me and it has been sitting in my garage for 2 years. She has not returned any phone calls or responded to any e-mails I've sent her regarding the motorcycle. The registration has been expired since 2009 and it's taking up space. Someone at work mentioned an abandoned vehicle law or something like that to get rid of it / transfer it to my name. I'm not sure the details and the sites I've gone to aren't very clear as to what can be done.
Since the motorcycle has been unregistered and just sitting there for so long, is there any way I can take ownership of it or do something about it?

The motorcycle wasn't covered in the divorce paperwork because she told me someone was buying it from her.


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There are several exceptions, but generally 3 years. I am no expert on Texas Property Law, so you will need to read CHAPTER 72. ABANDONMENT OF PERSONAL PROPERTY of the Texas Property Code. http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/Docs/PR/htm/PR.72.htm
Also read all the sections when it states "Except as provided by this section and Sections (sections will be listed)".