Moving to Yuba City/Marysville, CA - looking for info?

I just received notification that I will be stationed at Beale AFB. I'm currently in Germany or else I would plan a weekend trip to see the local area around the base. I'm specifically looking for information about the towns around Beale AFB (Yuba City, Marysville, Wheatland, Linda, Olivehurst). I've done some research and Rocklin, Roseville, Lincoln, and Lake Wildwood are too far out for me to commute - they are all outside of my 30 minute max zone.
I'd like to know about general living conditions in my preferred towns. Is it advisable to buy or rent a house? I've heard that some of the areas I specified are in a flood plain but can't find any maps that are easily comprehensible (the government and FEMA maps are more confusing than helpful.)
I should recieve a sponsor shortly who can begin to answer my questions but any information that anyone could provide is more than welcome.

duke D2011-05-01T08:34:43Z

Favorite Answer

Yuba city-marysville-linda- those are all economically depressed lower income. I would not buy-
prices are declining steadily. Have there been any big floods up there since the 50's?


If you google the towns and type in Demographics, you can usually get a hit on Wikipedia or something. You can also contact the websites for the city Chamber of Commerce. As for rentals, go to For owning a home, go to Both sites will let you search by city.
Going to and you can search for photos of almost anything except porn and get a feel for what the area looks like. I would also do a search for local newspapers and get a feel for things that way. Good luck, and thank you for serving in our Armed Forces.

Kylie ♔2011-05-01T05:32:14Z

good luck with your move! just go there in person and check it out.