Trouble starting Urine flow and keeping it going. please read?

For about two weeks I've noticed when I have the urge to urinate, I cannot do it, I have to really think about it and around 10 seconds I am able to urinate, but sometimes I have trouble keeping it flowing lol. Today, I went to the bathroom, and midway held the urine in on purpose, and I felt a burning sensation, but not when the urine came out..could this be a UTI? I am 23, haven't been sexually active for months and this recently started. I've always had pelvic pain/pressure when I urinate (nothing too painful though). Anyone experience this?


I just started Zoloft around the time this started, IDK if thats a side effect or not.


The Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV) defines premature ejaculation as a persistent or recurrent ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation before, on or shortly after penetration and before a person wishes. Wow, that’s not a sexy definition. Personally, I define it as you come quicker than you or your partner wants. Luckly this is a great solution for premature ejaculation


Premature ejaculation can be cured with natural methods. One really good one you can follow is

When a man is suffering from premature ejaculation, he is often climaxing before his partner and in the case of most men it is difficult if not impossible for them to continue intercourse after ejaculating. That’s because chemicals are released when a man ejaculates and these are the same chemicals that make a person feel sleepy and/or not aroused. It’s not that they have suddenly lost interest; just their brain is telling them that the sex is over. This effect is more prominent after intercourse than after masturbation because intercourse actually causes four times more of these chemicals to be released. If premature ejaculation occurs frequently, it can lead to embarrassment for the man and sexual frustration for both partners.
I hope it helps


could be some kind of blockage, you should ask your doc about it
i looked it up in my drug book and it is not a side effect